Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Our 4th Anniversary

Alhamdulillah.. syukur kepada ALLAH kerana mengurniakan kebahagian suami isteri dan keluarga kepada kami.. pengalaman hidup bersama yg manis & pahit byk memberi kami pengajaran & kenangan dlm membina lagi kasih sayang antara kami sekeluarga.. dikurniakan seorg puteri yg bijak dgn keletahnya membuatkan hari2 yg kami lalui sgt indah.. semoga hari2 yg mendatang dpt kami lalui dgn penuh kesyukuran di atas segala nikmat dr ALLAH swt.

actually i da lame skodeng ape2 surprise tuk husband.. mule2 ingat nak bg fresh flower.. tp rsnye husband x minat kot n lgpun lame2 bunga tu layu.. then ingat nk bg choc bouquet.. tp rs cam biasa gak.. so punye la surf internet cari tu cari ni.. then i got an idea after searching in fb.. i think this will be different to us and have sentimental value.. chewah.. i made an order n ask them to deliver to my husband's office in Cyberjaya.. taaaddddaaaaa!!!!!

strawberry chocolate in vase with plastic flower(ni mmg aku yg mintak plastic je sbb malas nk simpan fresh flower..haha..ape punya bini da...), teddy bear (konon2 aku le tu kan..teddy bear pk skirt bagai n reben2..haha) and blue n pink theme.. i yg minta that colors because i love that combination.. strawberry die in real mmg besa gedabak n sgt manis.. combine with choc tu mmg perfect.. and also we got complimentary gift from penaja which a box with love design full with mini bar choc also with blue n pink color.. gila la wei.. seronok tau.. tp sape yg seronok??? of course la my husband.. he told that once he received those gift, die suke sgt n terus ajak member2 dia makan sekali.. cisssss.. org bg tuk die, die bg org lain mkn lak.. apedaaaaa... haha.. tp xpe, kegembiraan itu ptt di kongsi bersama kan??? and die x lupe tgglkan strawberry n choc tuk I and Arisa.. bagus2.. haha..

ang my husband yg jujur itu gtau kat I yg die nak wat surprise tp kedai yg die slalu order flower tu da tutup n xsmpt nk cari kedai lain.. yela, kan hari keje.. mmg x sempatla kan.. haha.. jujur tul.. xpe2 I x kisah.. sbb lepas tu die belikan hadiah jugak tuk I... love u la syg.. kitorg cr hadiah b4 bertolak pegi honeymoon.. honeymoon means tuk 2 org je kan.. yup, anak x ikut.. anak tggl kat umah ngan nenek die.. hehe.. what i got for this anniversary??? taaadddaaaa again (mmm, nyampah!!!)

my favourite color ever.. yellow mustard.. suitable to be matched with all colors.. love this design so much.. simple..and love the duck too.. haha.. thanks sayang..

and also gift from my mum.. unique and i love it.. Sand Art..

bought this pop corn tuk mkn dlm kete otw ke our honeymoon destination.. yummy.. actually ngantuk, tu yg nak mengunyah.. haha..

yeah.. akhirnya smp juga di destinasi yg ditujui dlm kul 3.30pm.. Gold Coast Morib Resort.. we bought promotion voucher to get here.. only RM198 inclusive of studio suite with private jacuzi, buffet breakfast and dinner for 2, water theme park for 2 and free ATV.. murah kan?? mmg sesuai la tuk honeymoon.. and same ngan tmpt shooting drama Setia Hujung Nyawa.. time Ersalina and Zain p honeymoon..nak jugak mention kat sini kan.. hahaha.. jom layan pictas..

Studio Suite

 Water Theme Park

ATV at the beach

berpeleseran di tepian pantai 

 Makan time!!!

 Bye-bye Morib!!!

 Insya ALLAH, next time will bring my daughter and other family to here!!!

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